ICD-11 Implementation

In May 2019, the 72nd session of the World Health Assembly adopted the International Classification of Diseases 11th Revision (ICD-11) by resolution WHA72.15, to enter into force on January 1, 2022. The Russian Federation has committed to assist WHO in adapting the Russian-language translation and implementing ICD-11 in the WHO European Region (including in the interest of the CIS member States). Federal Research Institute for Health Organization and Informatics of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation has established the ICD-11  working group, prepared a workplan on  ICD-11 implementation, developed a list of nominees for the ICD-11 translation and submitted it to the WHO HQ (Dr. Robert Jacob), as well as developed proposals on a package of documents to organize an  interdepartmental task force to support implementation of the ICD-11 adjusted translation within the Russian Federation.

The eleventh revision of the ICD contains a large number of innovations that can be attributed to the following two major groups:

  • Structural and compositional innovations related to the development and extension of the coding system, peculiar features of the information composition and grouping, including links to other classifications and terminological systems.
  • Technological and user innovations that ensure relevance, integrity and consistency of the information stored and provided, as well as availability and convenience of its use in digital health.

ICD-11, unlike previous versions, is a service-oriented solution (includes a package with a set of web services) that meets needs of the user through providing direct access, which, given simplicity and accuracy of coding, as well as reduced training time, makes it possible to implement and widely disseminate ICD-11 in the coming years.

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