
Mikhail Murashko: Scientific cooperation between countries is effective and gives practical results to increase people's life expectancy
Mikhail Murashko: Scientific cooperation between countries is effective and gives practical results to increase people's life expectancy
06 December 2024
International collaboration
Russian Health Minister Mikhail Murashko told about the results of the Russian Health Ministry's chairmanship in the CIS Health Cooperation Council.
III National Congress with international participation “National Healthcare 2024” took place in Moscow on October 28-29
III National Congress with international participation “National Healthcare 2024” took place in Moscow on October 28-29
30 October 2024
International collaboration
The event was organized by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, the Roscongress Foundation and RIH. The event was attended by 4 official foreign delegations headed by Ministers of Health.
BRICS experts on public health met in an online format and discussed national initiatives to promote people's health and well-being
BRICS experts on public health met in an online format and discussed national initiatives to promote people's health and well-being
16 September 2024
International collaboration
This year Russia is chairing the BRICS and many events are planned. One of them is the meeting of experts of interstate association for public health, which took place on September 12. Representatives from Brazil, China, Iran, India,…
Representatives of Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Russia exchanged experiences and approaches to paying for medical care
Representatives of Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Russia exchanged experiences and approaches to paying for medical care
24 July 2024
The agenda of the next meeting of the CIS Network of Institutes for Public Health and Healthcare Digital Transformation, held in July, included various approaches to paying for medical care, as well as options for their improvement.
Physical activity is a step towards a long life
Physical activity is a step towards a long life
06 June 2024
International collaboration
The agenda of the next meeting of the CIS Network of Institutes for Public Health and Healthcare Digital Transformation included issues of promoting activities aimed at maintaining active longevity among the population, as well as…
CIS member states shared their experience in using mobile medical complexes
CIS member states shared their experience in using mobile medical complexes
15 May 2024
A thematic meeting of the CIS Network of Institutes for Public Health and Healthcare Digital Transformation, dedicated to digital complexes’ usage for on-site medical examinations and medicines screening, was held at RIH on April 24,…
RIH experts shared their experience and methodological developments on healthcare digital transformation with colleagues from Kazakhstan
RIH experts shared their experience and methodological developments on healthcare digital transformation with colleagues from Kazakhstan
15 April 2024
International collaboration
The peculiarities of primary health care organization; functioning of mandatory health insurance system, the specifics of working with regions, training on programs of additional professional education – these and other issues were…
Registration is open for participation in the International school “STIMUL” for young leaders – healthcare policy makers and managers of the CIS member states
Registration is open for participation in the International school “STIMUL” for young leaders – healthcare policy makers and managers of the CIS member states
02 April 2024
Young healthcare professionals from CIS countries interested in training in the field of patient satisfaction with health care are invited to participate. The educational program will be held at RIH from September 22 to 28, 2024.…
Armenia and Belarus shared the best practices on implementation of national information strategies on healthy lifestyles promotion
Armenia and Belarus shared the best practices on implementation of national information strategies on healthy lifestyles promotion
28 March 2024
On March 27, 2024, the second meeting of the CIS Network of Institutes for Public Health and Healthcare Digital Transformation was held, which was dedicated to the Strategy "Population Health of the CIS member states" for 2024-2025.
Interstate cooperation for the benefit of public health
Interstate cooperation for the benefit of public health
28 February 2024
On February 27, an introductory meeting of the CIS Network of Institutes for Public Health and Healthcare Digital Transformation was held.
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