Health Statistics

Healthcare is a complex, multi-level system. Its operation requires effective management. Medical and statistical information is the basis for management decisions to shape the development strategy in health.

Statistics serves basis for management decisions at all levels. Without objective data on health status of a particular region or effectiveness of a particular component of the healthcare system, it is impossible to properly plan and implement activities either at the facility or city level.

Maintaining a database of statistical observation forms approved by the orders of the Russian Federal State Statistic Service (Rosstat) and the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, submitted by the executive authorities of the subjects of the Russian Federation using the MEDSTAT software package, includes data collection and aggregation in order to summarize the country fact sheets. An integral part of this process is control over reliability and quality of the provided information when adding statistical indicators into the database, including identification and decoding of the units of the statistical observation forms (dictionaries of lines and graphs) to update MEDSTAT. These are the tasks handled by the Department of Statistics.

The Department also maintains meta databases containing algorithms for identifying and deciphering value units of statistical observation forms for the Automated Manager Information System( ASIR), and also expands the list of medical and statistical indicators and absolute values in ASIR, including with a breakdown on types of care.

Materials published by the Department: 

Operational information (for Medical Information Analysis Centers (MIAC):

Procedure for compiling consolidated annual statistical reports by the executive authorities of the subjects of the Russian Federation in healthcare for 201x.

Materials of WEB-seminars on developing and submitting annual statistical reports for 201x.

Letters and orders related to the annual report, etc.

Collections of statistical materials (restricted access)


The section presents statistical indicators of morbidity among the entire population by classes, groups of diseases and individual diseases (total and newly diagnosed cases) with a breakdown on subjects of the Russian Federation*.

Socially significant diseases

The section outlines statistical indicators on socially significant diseases among the Russian population*.

Mother and Child Health

This section provides basis statistical indicators on mother and child health, performance of Child and Family services in the Russian Federation*.

Activities and resources of health institutions

This section presents statistics on activities and resources of health institutions of the subjects of the Russian Federation*.

Organizational and methodological materials

The section contains major organizational and methodological materials to organize statistical registration and reporting in health organizations of the Russian Federation*.

Dermatovenerological Service

This section presents statistics on activities of dermatovenerological facilities of the subjects of the Russian Federation, as well as on disease incidence*.


* Materials are developed by specialists of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation and Federal Research Institute for Health Organization and Informatics of Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

Dear users! The materials presented in this section are published without any access restriction. However, use of or reference to the materials is subject to the Copyright Legislation of the Russian Federation; identification of the information source is binding.

For example: Alexandrova G. A., Polikarpov A.V., Golubev N. A., Oskov Yu. I., Kadulina N. A., Belyaeva I. M., Gladkikh T. E., Shcherbakova G. A., Semenova T. A. Morbidity among the entire population of Russia in 2016. Statistical materials. Part I. M.: Department of Health Monitoring, Analysis and Strategic Development of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Federal Research Institute of Health Organization and Informatics of Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. 2017. Available from: 

Head of Department
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