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WHO Collaborating Centres

WHO Collaborating Centres are medical and health care institutes on a global level with relevant experience and expert knowledge.

For many years, they have been WHO's trusted partners in helping the organization achieve its goals. The Collaborating Centres' work is planned and implemented jointly with WHO, has a clear link to its strategic plans and is reflected in the work plans of those technical programs to which they contribute.

Currently there are over 800 WHO collaborating centres in over 80 Member States working with WHO on areas such as public health, nursing, occupational health, communicable diseases, mental health, chronic diseases and health technologies. According to the Global Database of WHO Collaborating centres (https://www.who.int/collaboratingcentres/database/ru/), as of July 2020, there are 275 WHO Collaborating Centres in the European Region, 23 of which are located in the Russian Federation. 2 Collaborating centres are active work on the FRIHOI.

WHO Collaborating Center for Healthcare Systems and Public Health

WHO Collaborating Center for Health Information Systems, Statistics and Analysis

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