WHO Collaborating Center for Healthcare Systems and Public Health

In January 2014, the World Health Organization appointed the Federal Research Institute for Health Organization and Informatics as a Collaborating Center for Healthcare Systems and Public Health (WHO CC HSPH). During this period, the main activities of the Center were as follows: contributing to implementation of European Action Plan for Strengthening Public Health Capacities and Services  (EAP) through leadership of the WHO European Region working group for health promotion,  participation in joint researches, systematization, dissemination and  implementation of research results in the countries of WHO European Region; assistance and coordination of joint activity in implementation of EAP within the frames of the thematic network for cooperation of the CIS countries in public health; supporting the activity of WHO Regional Office for Europe in strengthening public health resources in CIS countries in WHO European region; and others.

You can read more detailed information on the Collaborating Center activity during the 2014-2019 on the previous version of the Institute’s website available from: https://old.mednet.ru/ru/sotrudnichayushhij-czentr-voz-po-sistemam-zdravooxraneniya-i-obshhestvennomu-zdorovyu.html

In 2020, the Collaborating Center was reassigned with new expanded Working Plan up to 2023; the plan included the following objectives:

1) Providing support to WHO in implementation of the European Action Plan for Strengthening Public Health Capacities and Service (Essential Public Health Operations EPHO and EPHO self-assessment).

Implementation of this objective is expected through the following:

  • comparing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) with the issues in the existing EPHO self-assessment tool, mapping analysis and introducing revisions to the tool;
  • caring out activities (conferences, workshop, etc) on strengthening functions for  implementation EPHO in Russia;
  • online support to member-states in relation to the EPHO electronic self-assessment tool.

2) Providing support to WHO in implementation of the European Action Plan for Strengthening Public Health  Capacities and Service with a special focus on development of public health workforces.

Implementation of this objective is expected through the following:

  • supporting WHO in providing technical assistance to member-states in developing the draft for functions and responsibilities of public health services at local (municipal) level based on international best experience;
  • testing the draft for functions and responsibilities considering specific features of Russia with participation of many interested parties and in consultation with relevant stakeholders, such as ASPHER, IANPHI и EUPHA;
  • conducting the pilot testing of the developed functions and responsibilities of public health services at the local (municipal) level in Russia;
  • revision of the draft for functions and responsibilities of public health services at the local (municipal) level according to the results of pilot testing in consultation with WHO.

3) Providing support to WHO in implementation of the European Action Plan for Strengthening Public Health Capacities and Service with a special focus on integration of public health and primary health care.

Implementation of this objective is expected through the following:

  • Preparing a systematic review of Russian-language literature on the issue of integration of public health and primary health care.

Novozhilov Aleksey Viktorovich,

Head of International Affairs Office

PhD (Med)


Phone: +7 (495) 618-25-21



Son Irina Mikhailovna,

Deputy Director for Scientific Efforts

Dr. Med. Sci., Professor


Phone.: +7 (495) 639-60-40


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