Special Programs Monitoring Department

Head - Khubiev Aznavur Enverovich interacts with the constituent entities of the Russian Federation to provide information within the framework of operational requests and monitoring of the Ministry of Health of Russia. It is engaged in analytical and methodological support of monitoring in the Automated System for Monitoring Medical Statistics of ASMMS (http://asmms.mednet.ru), prepares certificates, reports, tables and presentations in areas within the framework of operational activities.  Among the tasks of the department are:  formation of consolidated reports from ASMMS as required by the Ministry of Health of Russia, implementation of the tasks of the Ministry of Health of Russia within the framework of the GIS “Electronic Budget”.

Head of Department
Email: khubiev@mednet.ru
Deputy Head of the Department
Тел.: +7 (495) 618-43-88, ext. 514
Email: gavrilenko@mednet.ru
Deputy Head of the Department
Тел.: + 7 (495) 627-25-28
Email: GolubAL@minzdrav.gov.ru
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