Personnel Department

The Personnel Department participated in development and implementation of human resource policy and the strategy of the Institute and placement of employees together with the chiefs of corresponding structural units. The department carries the records of the institute personnel, draws up personal documents (admission, transfer, dismissal, employee incentives, drawing and maintaining vacation schedule, etc). The department maintains and stores the personal files of the employees and their work books.

The Department is responsible for ensuring the social guarantees, adhering to the employment procedure, providing appropriate benefits and compensations. The employees of the Department draw up and keep records of notifications for Institute employees concerning labor legal relations; they provide methodical assistance to the heads of Institute structural divisions in the developing  new job employees instructions and revising already existing ones; they process the sheets of temporary disability and ensure the safety of personnel data.

The functions of the Department also include interaction with institutions and bodies of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, participation in preparing statistical reports within the frames of department competence, development responds to the requests of authorized bodies and institutions.

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