Scientific Council

The Scientific Council determines the efficiency of the Institute work. It was created to study the issues of improving organization of researches, increasing the efficiency of scientific researches, implementation of the scientific results in healthcare practice. The Council also solves the problems of training, certification, and placement of scientific personnel.

At Council meetings, the chiefs of the scientific departments and scientific workers study and discuss plans for implementation of these tasks. The plans include research projects, national projects, and programs in healthcare. These are plans, programs, contracts and research methodology. The Scientific Council determines the scientific tasks of the Institute based on the long-term plans of social and economic development of the country.

By the decision of the members of the Scientific Council, the most significant research works and their performers are nominated for grants and other types of recognition, the results of works are recommended for publication. At their meetings, the members of Scientific Council discuss the guidelines, monographs, text-books and other documents developed in the Institute and recommended for publication in Russia and other countries. Important areas of the Scientific Council activity are holding competitions for replacement of scientific positions, certification of scientific personnel, approval of topics, performers, and scientific advisers (consultant) for dissertations.

Scientific Council meetings are held at least once a quarter.

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