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The use of artificial intelligence technologies in healthcare discussed by RIH experts and colleagues from Kazakhstan.

18 January 2024
The use of artificial intelligence technologies in healthcare discussed by RIH experts and colleagues from Kazakhstan.

Dialogue in videoconference format was held on January 16, 2024 within the frames of Cooperation Agreement between RIH and the National Scientific Center for Healthcare Development named after Salidat Kairbekova (Astana).

Alexander Gusev, RIH expert on Artificial intelligence implementation, and Rashid Ismailov, Director of eHealth Standards Department of the NRCHD of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan, discussed the understanding of a medical device with Artificial intelligence and the procedure for its registration, the specifics of such devices’ monitoring and legal regulation, as well as other issues. Following the meeting, an agreement was reached to continue cooperation and exchange experience.


0,9198 s