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RIH Director took part in the meeting of the CIS Network of Institutes for Public Health and Healthcare Digital Transformation

24 April 2023
RIH Director took part in the meeting of the CIS Network of Institutes for Public Health and Healthcare Digital Transformation

As Olga Kobyakova noted, today the processes in Russian primary health care are being restructured in order to relieve doctors from administrative burden.

Provision of health care with medical personnel in CIS countries - this topic was discussed by members of the CIS Network of Institutes for Public Health and Healthcare Digital Transformation on April 21 at the meeting "Staffing of healthcare system".

The event was held online with support of the Designated Organization of Public Health and Healthcare Digital Transformation of the CIS member states. Let us remind that this organization was established to ensure interaction of public health bodies of the Commonwealth at the interstate level.

Gohar Yerimyan, Dean of the National Institute of Public Health after Academician S. Avdalbekyan, participated in the meeting on behalf of the Republic of Armenia. The Republic of Belarus was represented by Alexander Semenov, Deputy Director for Scientific Work of the Republican Scientific and Practical Center for Medical Technologies, Informatization, Management and Economics of Healthcare of the Ministry of Health of Belarus.

From the Republic of Kazakhstan the event was attended by Olga Demushkan, Head of the Observatory of Human Resources for Healthcare of the National Scientific Center for Health Development named after S. Kairbekova of the Ministry of Health of Kazakhstan, Ayan Mysaev, Acting Director of Science and Human Resources Department of the Ministry of Health of Kazakhstan, and Gauhar Balkybekkyzy, expert of the Medical Education Division of Science and Human Resources Department of the Ministry of Health of Kazakhstan.

The Kyrgyz Republic was represented by Zharkynbek Kasymbekov, Head of the National Institute of Public Health under the Ministry of Health of Kyrgyzstan. On behalf of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the meeting was represented by Gulchehra Jumaeva, Head of the Department of International Indicators and Health Perspectives of the Ministry of Health of Uzbekistan, and Mamura Mirahmedova, Leading Specialist of the Department of Information and Communication Technologies and Medical Statistics of the Ministry of Health of Uzbekistan.

The Russian Federation was represented by Olga Kobyakova, RIH Director, who told about the work with medical personnel in the Russian healthcare system.

"Today, we are restructuring processes in primary health care, so as not to waste the precious time of physicians. To do this, the functions performance that does not require medical education, are redistributed to nursing staff", Olga Kobyakova noted.

Olga Kobyakova also told about the project "School of the Chief Physician", which was developed by RIH.

"This project is a complex cycle of professional development for chief physicians. The school is launched in May this year", said Olga Kobyakova.

We would like to remind that within the frames of this educational program you can improve your competencies in such areas as healthcare strategic planning, data-based management, legal risk management, economics and financing of healthcare, personnel management, corporate culture development, business communications and healthcare digital transformation.


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