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BRICS experts on public health met in an online format and discussed national initiatives to promote people's health and well-being

16 September 2024
International collaboration
BRICS experts on public health met in an online format and discussed national initiatives to promote people's health and well-being

This year Russia is chairing the BRICS and many events are planned. One of them is the meeting of experts of interstate association for public health, which took place on September 12. Representatives from Brazil, China, Iran, India, Egypt, South Africa, UAE, and Iran took part in the discussion. Each of the participants shared their experience in the field of public health promotion. From Russia, reports were made by Oleg Salagai, State Secretary – Deputy Minister of Health, Olga Kobyakova, RIH Director, Anna Kontsevaya, Deputy Director of the National Medical Research Center for Therapy and Preventive Medicine, and Raul Rakhmatullin, representative of the working group «Public Health and Human Well-being» of the BRICS Civil Forum.

The Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation has taken the initiative to create a standing expert platform for joint implementation of public health projects. By strengthening cooperation based on equality, mutual respect and trust, the BRICS countries will be able to get even closer acquainted with the national health systems of friendly countries, learn about the challenges and prospects of national health systems development using specific examples.

«Each country brings a wealth of experience in public health. Clearly, sharing these insights can pinpoint successful strategies and methods. Collaborative research has the potential to uncover new treatment and prevention methods for a range of diseases, including both communicable and non-communicable», said Olga Kobyakova.

By improving the health of their populations, the BRICS countries can improve their well-being, which will also contribute to economic growth.


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