Scientific, technical and editorial department

The department provides structural units of the Institute with printed materials, produces and circulates publications: reprints, books, brochures, as well as other educational, scientific, reference literature, which provides the educational and scientific process. It controls the distribution of obligatory copies.

The tasks of the department include: conducting scientific research, developing strategies aimed at increasing the publication activity of the Institute's researchers. The department also conducts feasibility study of patent materials, prepares analytical materials for research work in selected countries of the world, organizes library, bibliographic and informational activities in the interests of the Institute staff and students of higher and additional professional education programs. It participates in the preparation of educational programs and personnel in the field of health care and public health.

The department includes a library and a printing house.


Head of Department
Тел.: +7 (495) 618-07-92, ext. 115
1,0458 s