Department of Public Health and Demography

The department conducts a comprehensive socio-hygienic study of the health status of the population, taking into account the causes and factors that shape it.

The employees are engaged in the development and implementation of methodology of techniques of assessing and improving the efficiency of health care activities by reducing premature and preventable health losses in the Russian Federation. They assess and predict demographic processes in society, analyze statistics on health and morbidity in Russia and factors that influence this. Based on the data obtained, the department develops the main draft provisions of the state policy on the protection of public health and on the medical provision of prevention.

The department provides methodological support for the application of the main forms of accounting and reporting medical documentation used in medical organizations, participates in the formation of statistical forms and medical documentation in the health care system.

An important task is to monitor the study of psychoactive substance consumption among young people and identify risk factors that contribute to the development of alcoholism, tobacco smoking and drug use. Monitoring data are replicated among various institutions and organizations that carry out prevention among young people. Together with the representatives of health and education authorities, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, committees on youth affairs, physical education, sports and tourism the department also participates in the development of a preventive system.

Other activities include the study of the health status of the family, women and men of reproductive age, children; analysis of perinatal morbidity and mortality; infant, child and maternal mortality. The department studies the influence of various factors on the formation of health and the development of pathology in children, develops scientific methodology for conducting a comprehensive assessment of the health status of children in Russia.

The department also supports the functioning and the provision of further development of the factual automated information reference system FAISS "Potential" on mortality in the administrative regions of the Russian Federation. It develops methodology for monitoring and assessing health losses of the population, participates in the preparation of training programs and personnel in the field of public health and health care.

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