Dissertation Council

Chairperson: Son Irina Mikhailovna, Dr. Med. Sci.,Professor. Tel .: +7 (495) 639-60-40, e-mail: son@mednet.ru

Scientific secretary: Sabgaida Tamara Pavlovna, Dr. Med. Sci., Professor. Tel .: (495) 618-21-01, ext. 430

Technical Secretary: Kurskova Antonina Vasilievna. Tel .: (495) 618-21-01, ext. 430

The Dissertation Council was established in 1991. The Council holds meetings to defend dissertations for the degree of Doctor of Medical Sciences and Candidate of Medical Sciences (PhD) in the specialty "Public Health and Health Care".

In accordance with the legislation, the texts of dissertations and the corresponding defense documents are posted on the Institute's website.

Ученый секретарь
Тел.: +7 (495) 619-10-83, доб. 533
Email: tamara@mednet.ru
Технический секретарь
Тел.: .+7 (495) 618-21-01, доб. 430
Email: dis-sovet@mednet.ru
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