Department of Scientific Bases of Healthcare Organization

The Department conducts researches in developing organizational technologies that increase the healthcare system efficiency at the federal and regional levels.

Its activity is aimed at the methodical support of the Concept of healthcare development in the Russian Federation.

This is, in particular, an analysis of an organization to provide primary medical care and specialized medical care to the population in out-patient facilities, development and scientific justification for innovative organizational and resource-saving technologies, development of methodology, practical recommendations and training manuals on organization of human resources management in healthcare system.

The Department provides an assessment of human health resources and management at various levels, as well as assessment of the readiness to implement the state policy to solve staff problems in healthcare.

The tasks of the Department also include an analysis of the structure of the bed fund of the RF, efficiency of organizational approaches to providing prevention care. The Department is engaged in scientific justification of various problems, such as approaches to transformation of health facilities providing out-patient care with using lean-technologies; the role of public health in preventing population diseases at municipal level; patient-oriented model of health facility providing out-patient care.

In addition, the Department conducts scientific study in justification of conceptual models for development of human health potential at various management levels, it participates in developing educational programs and human resources training   in public health and healthcare.

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Тел.: 8-(495)-618-16-14, доб. 311
1,0066 s