World Health Organization Documentation Centre

The WHO Documentation Centre based on Central Public Health Research Institute of the Ministry of Health of Russia was established in 1994 by the Order of the Ministry of Health No.124 of June 22, 1994. The goal of the WHO documentation centre is collection and disseminating the information provided by the WHO Regional Office for Europe among as widely as possible within the territory of Russia, including decision makers. WHO Documentation centres were created in an every WHO European Region country.

The WHO Documentation Centre (WHO DC) is collection, indexation and disseminating of WHO documents and publications, which have been received from the WHO Regional Office for Europe and the WHO Headquarter. WHO DC promptly provides information support to the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation with WHO materials. WHO DC also active dissemination WHO information among Russian specialists (on their requests) and take part in conferences and workshops, where WHO materials distribute free of charge.

WHO DC monthly issues Information Bulletin. The Information Bulletin is aimed at direct information of the target group of health leaders on WHO main strategic documents and publications on health policy and health system development. The Bulletin is a special issue focused on one of the priority areas of international policy in healthcare. It is disseminated by e-mail to subscribers free of charge. The Bulletin is very popular and has a great interest among subscribers. So, the number of subscribers is increased form year to year.

WHO DC also monthly provides the “Express-information” about new WHO publications. “Express-information” copies are disseminated by e-mail to Health Departments of the Russian Federation, WHO Collaborating Centers and other research institutes in Russia.

WHO DC has more than documents and publications in hard copies and an electronic format, including:

  • key WHO documents on WHO programmes, the WHO Constitution and WHO actions;
  • documents of World Health Assembly, documents of WHO Executive Board and WHO European Regional Committee,
  • publications (guidelines, monographs and other), materials of WHO Conferences, Workshops and other Meetings on different questions on medicine and health care; 
  • statistical materials, documents on international legislation, series books on general medical and health care problems and Health for All documents; periodicals – journals and information bulletins on WHO programs in Russian, English, French, and German. These documents and publications have been received from WHO Regional Office for Europe in Copenhagen, and the WHO Headquarters, Geneva.  

On the website of the WHO DC in the sections "Main publications" and "New arrivals" there is a search window and an alphabetical index. WHO documents and publications are divided into sections corresponding to the main problems of medicine and health care for the convenience of users. The site is updated monthly with new WHO materials both in English and in Russian. At the same time, abstracts for all English-language publications are translated into Russian.

Also you can subscribe to the Information Bulletin and "Express Information” on the WHO DC web-site.

11, Dobrolubov str, Moscow, 127252, the Russian Federation (room 209) 

Tel.: (495) 618-25-21

Tatyana V. Kaigoorodova,
Deputy Head of the Office for International Collaboration on International Scientific Medical Information, Head of the WHO Documentation centre.

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