The Northern Dimension Partnership in Public Health and Social Well-being (NDPHS)

The Northern Dimension Partnership in Public Health and Social Well-being (NDPHS) was formally established at a ministerial-level meeting on 27 October 2003, inOslo, Norway. The Northern Dimension Partnership in Public Health and Social Well-being is a cooperative effort of ten governments, the European Commission and eight international organisations to improve public health and social well-being in region of the "Northern Dimension".

The NDPHS is supported by several structures: The Partnership Annual Conference, the Committee of Senior Representatives, expert groups and the Secretariat. Based on the five-year NDPHS 2020 Strategy adopted by all partners, the Action Plan for the implementation of this Strategy was developed. The representatives of the Russian expert community are actively involved in its implementation.

NDPHS Strategy

The goal of the NDPHS 2020 Strategy is to recognize the Partnership as a highly regarded and innovative regional cooperation network that makes a significant contribution to improving the health and social well-being of the population in the Northern Dimension region.

The work is based on the following principles:

  • equitable health care and social inclusion in all activities;
  • innovative approaches and technologies;
  • “Health in all policies” approach;
  • inclusion of socially vulnerable groups.

NDPHS Structure

General information about NDPHS

In accordance with the tasks set in the Strategy, the composition and work plans of the expert groups were approved.

Russia is currently the chair country of the Expert Group on Non - communicable Diseases and the Expert Group on Primary HealthCare. 

Experts from Russia participate in the work of all NDPHS expert groups. In 2019, the Center for Coordination and Monitoring of Cooperation of the Russian Federation in the NDPHS was established at the Institute; it coordinates the work of Russian representatives in expert groups and other structures.

Website for the Northern Dimension Partnership in Public Health and Social Well - being:

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