Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development

The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) is an international economic organization of developed countries that recognize the principles of representative democracy and a free market economy.

Since May 16, 2007, Russia has been actively participating in the work of various committees and other OESD bodies, and since 2013, employees of the Institute, on the instructions of the Ministry of Health of Russia, have been actively involved in:

  • meetings of the Health Committee of the Directorate for Employment, Labor and Social Affairs (;
  • meetings of the OECD Health Data National Correspondents;
  • meetings of the OECD Health Accounts Experts.

The employees of the Institute are engaged in the collection and processing of data to be included:

The most important results of the Institute's work in the structures of the OECD are:

  • data inclusion from the Russian Federation in the OESD statistical collections - for example, “Health at a Glance 2015”;
  • editing of data published on the websites of international organizations that do not comply with the statistical data of the Russian Federation;
  • using of information obtained through OECD and WHO channels for a benchmark assessment of a number of indicators characterizing healthcare development, health status of the population, etc;
  • monitoring of information on new projects and publications that are publicly available on the OESD resources.

Joint publications on the development of the health care system in the Russian Federation are considered as promising areas of cooperation with the OECD.

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